GTA V North Yankton map beta 1

GTA SA: North Yankton Public Beta 1

1. Description

This mod brings North Yankton from GTA V to GTA San Andreas!

This mod places North Yankton ALONGSIDE the original GTA SA map, so you can you can swap between the GTA 

Installation should be pretty simple. Drag and drop all the files into your GTA SA directory.

I'd recommend making a backup of gta.dat (Any map mods that require other .img's will NOT work and may crash the game.)

So please install on a clean GTA SA with CLEO 4 and Fastman92's Limit Adjuster 1.8 (provided).

Any issues that aren't listed below, please tell me about them and I'll try and fix them for the next private/public beta.

Please note that this mod also requires any modern day PC. 

This mod was created and installed on a laptop with the following specs:

* Intel Core i5 3337U 
* Intel HD 4000
* Windows 8 64 bit.

I run colormod at highest settings and play GTA SA at highest settings and get an average of 50-60FPS. 

The mod does NOT overwrite any GTA SA files, except for gta.dat. 

2.) Installation

->PLEASE INSTALL ON A CLEAN GTA SA WITH ONLY CLEO 4 AND ASI LOADER INSTALLED<- (These are required. Or your game will crash upon start up) 

I've tried to make this mod as easy as possible to install.

Simply drag and drop my files into your GTA San Andreas folder.


If you use Modloader, create a folder called "North Yankton" inside Modloader and drag and drop the "CLEO" "data" and "Models" folder inside. 


3.) How to get to North Yankton 

3 methods


* Load up my provided save game. It should spawn you directly in North Yankton. (May crash, if it does, please try the better and more stable option below)

* Go to the airport and look around for a red sphere. Walk (or drive) and you'll be teleported to North Yankton.

* Fly there (Not recommended)
4.) Known issues

* Some ground near Michael's grave is NOT solid. 

* Some bridges are missing textures 

* Random "holes" in some fields. These are hedges I've yet to add.

* My provided save game may be incompatible and crash upon start up. This is a GTA SA fault. 

* North Yankton is a one way trip from the airport. 

* No cars, peds or police spawn in NY. Please use a car spawning mod (or trainer) or use cheats to get yourself a car. 

* The dirt where the alien is isn't solid.

* A lot of the map ISN'T done. Most of the roads have, some of the town has, some of the bank has and most of the Prologue Farmhouse has.

* Once you fall out of NY, there is NO coming back up (unless you use a noclip trainer or something)

* A particular road near the bank is light-bugged. It'll be a lot brighter than everything else at night and is a little darker than everything during the day.
Author : TheNathanNS
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