Realistic Animations For GTA SA Beta1.0

Hello! This is first beta of this cool animations! 
there are some anims as a placeholder and gonna be changed in full version 
Theres one bonus - my custom gta v hud that i used now im not using it 
also the mod is compatible with m7_decent cleo made by meheraj7 and in45do just in mod it 
is other animation 
tab + y = great idle stance then hold y to disable 
tab + u = great idle stance  again hold to 
run and e (you need m7_decent cleo it isnt included here) to have new decent animation 
hold space with 2handed weapons to sprint with custom animation 
click alt to toggle sprint system  that changes you run to walking (click 
again to disable) 
and hold w (run) to have new run with pistol or uzi anim  (on sawnoff and 
mp5 it is removed :D to better felling) 
next version (maybe full 1.0): new cleo walk_1armed (walking on alt) this would be in this 
stay tuned! peace
Author : thatsme , al-fath pc , jengsebong , unknownmodder , linevariy , nacho samp , redtrek 

, frostmods , stonecoid , AllenLim012 , dk22pac , in45do and silentpl